Emmanuel Posts

  • Add To Your Faith Virtue
    Chris Ajai speaking from 2 Peter 1:5-6
  • My Name is Linda
    My name is Linda. I have been a Christian for just under 40 years now. In that time, like many, I have ups and downs. I have now been married to wonderful Christian called Eric for 24 years this year (2024). Over the years, I know I have been used by God through our dear … [Read more…]
  • Destination, Jesus
    Phillipians 3:1-21 Paul had a clarity of purpose that shaped his life. For him life was a race with a single goal, the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Jesus was his destination and he never wavered from that. Such focus affects how we view the world around us, suddenly everything that the world … [Read more…]
  • Under the Sun
    1 Kings 4:29-34 Solomon received wisdom from God but we see from Ecclesiastes that his wisdom does not rise above the earth. Everything he speaks about occurs ‘under the sun’. Ecclesiastes 2:17 Solomon begins to hate life. Eventually his foreign wives lead him into worship of other gods. It is possible to be the son … [Read more…]
  • Treasure: Singleness of Devotion
    Matthew 13:44 Have you ever considered how you will be received when you arrive in heaven. Can you imagine being escorted into the presence of Jesus by angels. You see Him there and you are absolutely stunned by the power and majesty of the King. Then, He looks up from something that has His attention … [Read more…]
  • Overcoming
    We as believers are called to overcome Letters to churches in Revelation, all are encouraged to overcome. There are rewards for overcomers Rom8:31We are more than conquerors Don’t be overcome with evil but overcome evil with goodRoms 12:21